About Us
About Us

To serve the national church by providing educational and inspirational materials written by nationals, for nationals.


In His Word Publishers  was created to meet the needs of the national church in the production of educational and inspirational materials.  In His Word Publishers will focus on producing those materials created by the local church and/or the local pastor.

At In His Word Publishers, we believe that there are many talented people in the local national church who create good quality materials.  However, these people lack the resources to publish materials in smaller quantities.  Because In His Word Publishers is ministry-focused and has a very low overhead, it can produce small quantities at an affordable price.


- We believe in the infallible Word of God.  “The Word was with God and the Word was God.”  John 1:1

- We value relationships above self and profit.  “If you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave . . . and go and be reconciled to that person …”  Matthew 5:23-26 

- We value partnerships.  “All of you together are the one Body of Christ and each of you is a separate and necessary part of it.”  1 Corinthians 12:27

- We apply God’s Word to our daily lives.  “Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.”  James 1:22

- We believe in excellence with grace.  “He has done all things well [excellent].”  Mark 7:37


Michael Medley, a licensed minister, has served the international church community since 1989.  He has a passion to see the national church develop through the teachings and educational resources of local pastors.  Michael has helped produce and distribute thousands of pieces of translated  resources that have served the national church.

According to “World Population Data Sheet” [www.prb.org], more than 85% of the world’s population can be reached through five major language groups:  English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese.

This study goes on to reflect that the literary rate is rapidly expanding around the world.  People groups that had once relied on intellectuals from the “first world” to create learning methods, teaching tools and training aides are now well educated and very capable of writing and creating their own educational tools that are better suited for their own culture.  Translated materials are good and basic principles are taught but you cannot translate culture.  Materials written by people raised in a given culture or nation are always more relevant for that culture than translated materials.

However, the problem with publishing original, national materials is the lack of publishers willing to risk economically to develop these unproven authors and materials.  Qualified writers must be sought out and encouraged to write.  The new author is normally unknown as an author and therefore the general public is hesitant to purchase materials authored by an unproven author.  Translated materials are normally by well known authors and are easily assessable.  In addition, they are much quicker to publish and get to the market place. 

In His Word Publishers, Inc. has been created to provide an avenue for talented national pastors and leaders to publish educational and inspirational materials written by the national, for the national.  This mission statement does not exempt any national pastor or leader from being a prospective author of quality materials.

In His Word Publishers desire is to work together with any individual or organization with like mission and like values to provide quality, original, educational and inspirational materials by the national, for the national, at an affordable price.

He has seen the importance of — and knows the untapped resources available for — original materials that can more effectively serve the national church worldwide.
Madeline Pereira, raised in Puerto Rico, knows first-hand the need for a publisher for the Latin church. Madeline’s heritage and professional experience bring a tremendous gift combination to In His Word Publishers.  With her passion for the production of quality educational resources developed by local Latin pastors, along with fifteen years of product development experience, Madeline can ensure the Latin church that it is receiving what it has requested in resource materials.